Saturday, June 8, 2013



This is my first post on the topic of "AQEEDA". Majority of the people think that they have the correct Aqeedaa and pay no heed to its study... They are in reality those who have the worst understanding of the Deen. So, it is very important to know about our creed.

What is creed (Aqeeda)?

The word "aqeeda" is a plural of "عقائد" & it is a word of an Arabic language which linguistically means "to knot something or to tie"

It is an action of heart & a name of strong belief & affirmation. It is free from any kind of doubt.

In Terminology it means to belief in Allah only, to belief in His angels, to belief in His Messengers, to belief in His Books, to have belief in the day of judgement & on prejudgment and predetermination of Allah.

So basically

“Creed is everything that is connected to the world of the Unseen to which a ruling regarding actions is not connected.”

Can a person spend his life without Aqeeda?
A person cannot spend his life without creed (Aqeeda) because it has captured our minds. Aqeedah is like the head of the body and without the head, the body is useless.

Types of creed (Aqeeda):

There are two types of creed
  • Right
  • Wrong
How Aqeeda is created?
 There are some steps in formation of creed (Aqeeda)
  1. Thought 
  2. After repetition it becomes a way of thinking
  3. Then it becomes Values
  4. at last our values becomes our Creed (Aqeeda)
Sources of attainting Right Aqeeda:
There are only two authentic sources of attaining right Aqeeda
  • Quran
  • Sunnah 
Quran: Word of Allah which is revealed on Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), which starts from Surah Al-Fatiha & ends at Surah Al-Nas.

Sunnah: linguistically it means a way (good or bad)
In Islamic Terminology it means the guided way & the life style of Prophet (PBUH)

Anything related to Aqeedah must have a proof from the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah otherwise it is rejected.Our entire lives must be built on the correct aqeedah as Allah says:

“Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم) ‘Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds’” (6:162)

JazakiaAllah hu khairan for reading. Make sure you Rate, Share and Follow us. If you have similar views please do comment

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